Fine lines and Wrinkle Reduction

Tailored Treatments

Discover the art of graceful aging with De Lune Aesthetics’ Fine Lines & Wrinkle Reduction treatment, a leading non-surgical solution to soften the signs of time.

Utilising advanced injectables that target facial muscles, we meticulously reduce their activity, smoothing away fine lines and wrinkles. Precision in product selection, dosage, and injection sites, underpinned by our expertise and detailed record-keeping, ensures natural-looking results.

The effects begin to emerge within days, peaking at two weeks, with the rejuvenating impact lasting up to four months. Treatable areas include the forehead, frown lines, crow’s feet, lip areas, chin, masseters, and even excessive sweating, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your aesthetic concerns.

Natural-Looking Rejuvenation: Achieve a refreshed, youthful appearance without the need for surgery, maintaining natural facial expressions and movement.

Personalised Treatment Plan: Tailored specifically to your facial structure and aesthetic goals, our approach ensures optimal results that truly reflect your desire for subtlety and elegance.


Massage, Skin and Facials

Journey with us to rediscover your glow through our expertly delivered massages, advanced skin care, and tailored facials.


Find harmony and healing with our customised massages, designed to nurture your journey towards holistic well-being.


Discover bespoke skincare tailored to your unique beauty and well-being, guided by our expert plastic surgeon-led team.


Experience tailored facial enhancement with natural results, guided by the expertise of Dr. Marion Chan and our skilled practice nurse.

Rediscover Your Glow

Transform and Rejuvenate

Secure Your Appointment for Holistic Beauty and Well-being Care.